Microsquirting the NC30, part #22: Mounting the intake rubbers

Unlike previous posts, there will be no gasoline splashing in this episode. This one is all about CNC goodness.

There is one final part to fitting the throttle bodies that I’ve not touched upon yet. The stock carbs mount to the intakes using short rubber couplers. The throttle bodies have a slightly larger diameter intake than the carbs, so they don’t fit. Something had to be modified.

Initially I had just considered machining down the intake ends of the throttle bodies to fit the rubbers, but that would have left very little material. Instead, I figured I’d go half-way and take out half from the throttle bodies and half from the rubber couplers.

This posed somewhat of a dilemma. I’m used to milling aluminum but I’ve never tried milling rubber. It’s relatively hard rubber, and after reading various people’s reports on the internet, I thought there was a decent chance of it working if I just cooled the rubber down so it got hard. At least it seemed worth a try.

Another problem was how to mount both of the pieces. I figured I could hold the throttle body in the vise by make a set of soft jaws and clamp the airbox end of the throttle bodies in them.

This is very cool, actually. I had already modeled the shape of the throttle bodies quite accurately to make sure everything would fit, and then you basically take a square block and ask Fusion to cut away the shape of the throttle body. What you are left with is a “mold” that should hold the throttle body quite securely.

Once I had the basic shape, I had to tweak it a bit to make sure that it was actually possible to make it in the mill. In some places I had to use quite small ball endmills to cut some contours, and there were some interference problems since you can’t have those small endmills stick out very far. But eventually I worked it out.

The finished set of soft jaws that will hold the throttle body for machining.

The finished set of soft jaws that will hold the throttle body for machining.

I didn’t really care about the finish, since this was strictly a functional part, you can clearly see the traces of the endmills. But the throttle body fit perfectly and were held very securely.

The throttle body mounted in the soft jaws, with the intake end aligned vertically for machining.

The throttle body mounted in the soft jaws, with the intake end aligned vertically for machining.

The part that needs to be machined down is basically the top end down to where the “wiggles” end.

To mount the intake rubbers, I used the same technique. I had modeled them as accurately as I could measure in Fusion, and then made a “mold” with the body of the intake rubber removed.

This is the fixture for the intake rubbers, matching the shape of the intake on the engine. The notch prevents the rubbers from sliding off.

This is the fixture for the intake rubbers, matching the shape of the intake on the engine. The notch prevents the rubbers from sliding off.

The rubbers were also a perfect fit.

Here's one of the intake rubbers snapped into the fixture. At this point, it can be clamped with the stock clamps.

Here’s one of the intake rubbers snapped into the fixture. At this point, it can be clamped with the stock clamps.

I had to decide on what shape to cut the machine the two pieces into. I wanted some notches, like there are in the stock ones that prevent them from moving, but I didn’t really have enough material to make them as large. Instead I just made two small “sawtooth” rings, each half a mm tall. It’s not much, but hopefully it’ll be enough.

The first thing to make sure was that machining the rubber pieces was actually going to work. There’s no point in destroying the throttle bodies unless that will work, so that’s what I started with.

I zeroed the mill position on the fixture with the rubber and a jar of ethanol in the freezer. Once I was all set up, I took the stuff out of the freezer, snapped the rubber into the fixture and clamped it, hooked the chilled ethanol up to the mister, and pressed go. The actual cutting didn’t even take a minute, not counting the tool change since I had to switch to the double-angle chamfer mill to cut the radial grooves.

Since this was a time-sensitive operation, I didn’t pause to take any pictures, but it worked surprisingly well. The rubber cut without a problem and left a very smooth surface. Success!

Proceeding with the throttle bodies, I clamped them into the soft jaws, zeroed the mill on the intake bore, and pressed go. This was also a very short program, and while it’s always nerve-racking to see the mill cut into these pieces, it also worked very well.

The mill is zeroed on the throttle body bore and we are ready to go. Since I want to leave positive ridges on the part, i can't cut with a normal endmill, so I used the key seat cutter instead.

The mill is zeroed on the throttle body bore and we are ready to go. Since I want to leave positive ridges on the part, i can’t cut with a normal endmill, so I used the key seat cutter instead.

The bore has been machined to size, now the chamfer cutter is making the annular ridges that will hook into the rubber piece.

The bore has been machined to size, now the chamfer cutter is making the triangular ridges that will hook into the rubber piece.

The end result is pretty good. The “grooves” that hold the rubber in place are definitely much smaller than the stock ones, but the rubber piece snaps fairly securely into place.

The intake rubber in place on the throttle body.

The intake rubber in place on the throttle body.

So that’s one thing less to worry about. We are now at the point that it should be possible to physically mount the entire throttle body assembly and the airbox onto the bike!

So what’s left? I need to add the harnessing for the injectors and the throttle position sensor, which shouldn’t take long. There are two large, unsolved problems remaining:

  • First, making a replacement for the fuel tap that also has a fuel return line, and routing the fuel hoses so the fuel pump can prime properly.
  • Second, figuring out how to connect the throttle linkage between the four throttle bodies. They are meant to be lined up in a line right next to each other, but now the two cylinders are much further apart, and some sort of linkage needs to go between the front and rear cylinder pair.

I believe I’m seeing the end of the tunnel!



Microsquirting the NC30, part #21: Injector characterization

As mentioned in the last post, now that the injectors are mounted in the fuel rail and there are no leaks, it’s possible to measure the injector performance.

A fuel injector is essentially a very fast-acting and well calibrated valve. It has an electromagnetically actuated plunger that opens when current flows through the solenoid, letting fuel flow at a precisely calibrated rate, and closes when the current is turned off.

At least that’s the idea. In practice, of course, it’s not that simple. It’s a mechanical device and hence is bound by the laws of physics. When a voltage is applied to the injector, it takes a finite amount of time for current to build up and for the magnetic field to start pulling the plunger. The plunger then has to travel a finite distance during which the valve is only partially open. Once fully open, the flow rate through the injector depends on the fuel pressure and on the manufacturing tolerances of the orifice that lets the fluid through. Then when the voltage is turned off, the same thing happens in reverse; it takes a finite (but smaller) time for the plunger to return to the closed position.

The end result is that while an ideal injector delivers a fuel mass m = r * t, where r is the mass flow rate of the injector, in the real world there is a “dead time” such that if you send an electric pulse of time t, the valve is actually open for a smaller time t – dt, where dt is the “dead time” of the injector. On top of that linear model, there are additional effects for short opening times due to the fact that the injector then is partially open for a significant fraction of the pulse, but the simplest useful description of a fuel injector’s performance is

m = r * (t – dt)

Oh, but there’s more. Since the dead time depends on how hard the electromagnet is pulling the plunger, it depends on the voltage applied to the injector. This means that at very low voltages, like when you’re trying to start the engine, you need to apply longer pulses to get the same amount of fuel.

So there’s a lot of information you need to capture in order to know how a fuel injector performs. Remember that any mismatch between how much fuel the engine controller thinks that it’s delivering and how much is actually delivered will show up as a deviation in the fuel/air ratio. If you don’t have a good description of the injector, that fact will feed back into your assumptions for how much air you think the engine is pumping and will make the tuning harder and less predictable. And if the injector to the different cylinders don’t deliver the same amount of fuel, it’ll be impossible to get all the cylinders to run at the correct air/fuel ratio.

If you have an unlimited budget, you can buy injectors from places like Injector Dynamics, that measure and match sets of injectors that perform very similarly. I don’t have an unlimited budget (although sometimes I wonder if that’s true in practice) and even if I did, they don’t sell them for 100cc cylinders that make 15hp. 1000cc cylinders that make 150hp is more like their target market…

When I tried to find injectors, I browsed the awesome collection of injector data collected by Stan Weiss and looked for ones that would have a suitable flow rate. The fuel flow rate needed is only determined by two things: the maximum amount of power the cylinder makes, and the air/fuel ratio it runs at. Since sportbikes have very high horsepower for a given displacement (since they are usually very high revving engines) they actually need higher flow rates than you might think given how small the engine is.

Since the NC30 makes ballpark 60hp, i.e. 15hp per cylinder, the required injector size comes out to be about 85-110 cc/min, depending a bit on the air/fuel ratio and the margin you want. Since gasoline has a density of about 0.72kg/l, this corresponds to about 60-80 g/min of fuel.


Alternatively, you can do the a simple calculation without any assumptions at all: At an RPM of 12,000 (power peak), a 100cc cylinder pumps 6000*0.1 = 600 l of air per minute. Air has a density of 1.2 g/l, so that corresponds to 720g/min. If we want to run at a lambda of 0.85 at full throttle, that corresponds to an air/fuel mass ratio of 14.7*0.85, so that comes out to be 720g/min/(14.7*0.85) = 57g/min. However, you don’t want to run the injectors at full duty cycle. If we demand a maximum duty cycle of 80%, we need injectors that flow 72g/min of fuel. (It’ll actually be a bit less than that because the volumetric efficiency is less than 100%, so each engine cycle doesn’t pump the full 100cc of air.)

Scanning through that very large table there are a few injectors with flow rates in the correct ball park, and after also searching for the corresponding model numbers on ebay, I hit upon the Bosh 0-280-155-965 (used in a 1.2L Opel engine) which has a posted flow rate of 68g/min and ordered a used set of those. That was a year ago, and it’s not until now that I can verify whether those injectors actually are going to do what they are supposed to.

To test this, I took the assembled fuel rail and throttle bodies, connected up the fuel pump and filter, and pumped gas from a gas can. The injector is hooked up to the Microsquirt, and in test mode you can tell it to fire the injector for a specified number of times for a specified length. Then I measured the resulting mass of fuel on my 0.01g resolution scale.

The injector test setup. Fuel from a set number of injections is meterd into a glass jar, and the mass of fuel injected measured with my very sensitive 0.01g scale.

The injector test setup. Fuel from a set number of injections is meterd into a glass jar, and the mass of fuel injected measured with my very sensitive 0.01g scale.

I have to point out that this is a somewhat sketchy operation. The fuel injectors don’t just dribble liquid into the jar, they atomize the fuel and a significant part of it gets into the air. I had the garage door open, the fire extinguisher standing by, and wore a respirator the whole time since the garage positively stank of gasoline.

To get enough mass of fuel to reliably measure it, I pulsed the the injectors anything from 250 times to 3000 times (for short injection times.) This resulted in 5-10g of fuel in the jar, easily measured on the scale. Being a good experimental physicist, all measurements were repeated 3 times to get an estimate of the variance.

This plot shows effective mass flow rate for each of the injectors after accounting for dead time. My best estimate of dead time is 0.95ms.

This plot shows effective mass flow rate for each of the injectors after accounting for dead time. My best estimate of dead time is 0.95ms.

The result is shown in the plot above. This is a slightly processed plot, in that the quantity plotted is (fuel mass)/(injector pulse time – dead time), which allows you to estimate the dead time. If your estimate of dead time is correct, the curves will be mostly horizontal. Now, they aren’t exactly horizontal, since the injectors aren’t perfectly linear. My estimated dead time is 0.95ms, but at times less than 2ms, the curves drop like a stone. This is an indication that the injector doesn’t have time to open completely in that time.

For times longer than 2ms, though, the behavior looks pretty good except for the cylinder 2 injector in green. I think this is an experimental artifact. In the interest of taking the measurements as fast as possible, I initially only waited a very small time between each injection, like maybe a 7.5ms injection pulse every 10ms. This seems to overestimate the flow rate, maybe because the fluid flow through the injector never really has time to come to a complete stop. For the other cylinders I decided to wait at least as long as the injection pulse, and never less than 20ms, between each injection. Those curves look more linear, so I’m going to redo the cylinder 2 measurements, too.

The other thing to note is that the flow rate is more like 75g/min, not 68. However, the 68 is specified for 3bar fuel pressure, and my fuel pressure regulator apparently is set more like 3.5bar. The flow rate through an injector goes as the square root of the pressure, so taking 68*sqrt(3.5/3) gives you 73g/min. Close enough for me.

Another thing that stands out is that the cylinder 3 injector, in red, flows less than the three others by about 1.5%. This is a bit suboptimal, because it means one cylinder will run leaner than the other. (If two injectors were lower, I could put those on the same cylinder bank and tune those to be on a bit longer, but the Microsquirt only has 2 injector outputs so they have to be wired two and two.) However, a lambda error of 1.5% isn’t bad, I don’t think that will dominate the air/fuel ratio error.

I still have to measure how the dead time depends on voltage. That means repeating this exercise for a bunch of different voltages (this was at a voltage of 12.9V as read by the Microsquirt), but I think I’m just going to assume that all four behave similarly in this aspect and just measure one of them. But that’ll be the topic of a future post.


Microsquirting the NC30, part #20: Leaks…

With the fuel rail parts completed, it was time to assemble it and see if it worked.

Step one was to replace the seals on the injectors. I’d ordered a replacement seal kit from “Mr Injector” a while ago but didn’t want to replace the existing O-rings until I was mostly done with all the test fitting. I can’t make that excuse any more.

Before replacing the O-rings, I actually hooked them up to the “test port” that I used for leak checking and flushed some carb cleaner through each of them. Since there’s some volume inside the part, I could undo the air hose, fill the injector holder with carb cleaner, reattach the air hose and then pulse the injectors to spray the cleaner through. A couple of them did not particularly want to do anything for short pulses, but after blowing a couple of loads through them they all seemed to behave better. I hope I’m not going to have sticky injectors after going through all this…

Replacing the seals was mostly painless except to get the fuel strainer cups out I had to screw in a sheet metal screw and pull it against a pile of washers. According to the instructions, it should work to just pull them out by hand, but mine did not budge when I tried that.

Here are the injectors, complete with new Viton O-rings, filters and retainers.

Here are the injectors, complete with new Viton O-rings, filters and retainers.

Step two was to hook up the compressed air hose that I used to leak-test the O-ring ports to the entire fuel rail and see what happened. One thing I noticed was that I have a tad too much space between the fuel rail and the throttle bodies. It looks good when first put together, but when you pressurize the fuel rail, the injectors are pushed downward and actually move far enough that the “tab” (on the top right in the picture above) almost ends up below the guides I machined into the fuel rail. The space between the throttle body and the fuel rail is what is recommended in the data sheet, but they also assume that the injectors will be held in with little clips. It doesn’t leak, but it’s far enough out that you might be able to rotate the injectors which isn’t supposed to be possible.

In hindsight, I could have machined slots for those clips into the fuel rail, and then the injectors could have been locked into the fuel rail. That would have precluded them moving, and it would also have been easier to test them than now when I have to tie them up with wire to prevent them from shooting out when the rail is pressurized. Oh well… I’ll think of that on my next EFI conversion.

The other thing that was immediately obvious when the fuel rail was pressurized was a hissing sound. A leak… now what could be leaking, the injector O-rings, the AN-port O-rings, or my welds?

If you guessed the welds, you were correct. There was a corner in the weld to the square tubing that looked a bit low and incompletely fused and, sure enough, that’s where the air was coming from. After dismantling everything again, I added a few quick beads there and after reassembling the hissing sound was gone.

Step three, I now decided, was to go ahead and attempt to pump gasoline through and see what would happen. Alongside all of this I’ve been attempting to find a good spot for the fuel pump. Because there is just no space near the tank, I had settled on the tool kit pocket on the right side of the tail. I knew this wasn’t optimal, but it was just very difficult to fit the inline fuel pump, with inlet and outlet on opposite sides, in the battery area; there’s a fair amount of space there but it’s not long enough in any of the dimensions to easily fit the pump.

The problem with putting it under the tail is that the fuel line from the tank has to do a 180 (because the fuel tap outlet is in the forward direction) then go back to the pump, and then make another 180 before getting into the pump. This is uneven enough that there’s air trapped there, and it turns out that while the pump can get enough suction to suck the air through and fill the line with fuel when there is no back pressure, when it attempts to do that against the fuel pressure regulator it doesn’t work. It just sits there and spins air. This will require a wholesale redesign, but I’m leaving that for another post.

To make progress now, I manually primed the pump by disconnecting the hose going to the fuel rail and running the pump until it had filled it with fuel. Then I reattached it and restarted the fuel pump, and now  it did build pressure.

I was now greeted with numerous small puddles of gasoline forming on the table. Apparently there were more pinholes in the welds; too small to hear air coming out but apparently not too small for fuel to go through. It was actually pretty cool, in one area there were numerous super-tiny streams of fuel escaping.

See the three tiny streams of fuel coming from the lower corner of the injector block?

See the three tiny streams of fuel coming from the lower corner of the injector block?

On the other rail, there were no streams of fuel but gas was seeping out and gradually covering the top surface. It was hard to see where it came from, but I was pretty sure I knew which weld was the offending one.

Ok, time to dismantle again, although now everything had gasoline in it, so that was a messy ordeal. After wiping everything up as best as possible, flushing alcohol through the rails and blowing it out with compressed air, I left the garage overnight to air out and to deal with my gasoline-induced headache…

The next day I ground the welds down, cleaned them as best I could, and gave them another pass. This time I tried to make them on the hot side to make sure the welds penetrated.

I wasn’t about to try to reassemble the whole thing again, so now I just put the injectors and the fuel pressure regulator back, hooked up the compressed air line, and dunked the whole thing in a bucket of water.

Now, with the whole shebang hooked up and underwater, I'm pretty sure there aren't any leaks. Except maybe from one of the injectors...

Now, with the whole shebang hooked up and underwater, I’m pretty sure there aren’t any leaks. Except maybe from one of the injectors…

It’s apparent from this exercise that you have to tighten the steel AN flared fittings quite a lot to get them to seal. They warn to not tighten aluminum ones too much, for obvious reasons, but there the sealing surfaces are softer and you probably also don’t need to. In the end, I could pressurize the whole thing to 3.5bar, when the pressure regulator starts to open, and it was all tight except occasional bubbles coming from the end of one of the injectors. Maybe I need to squirt some more carb cleaner through them…

While I’m thinking about how to redo the fuel tank plumbing, I’m going to hook up the injectors again and measure their flow rates and dead times (how long it takes the injector to open after the current is turned on). While I know what the flow rate is supposed to be, knowing these quantities accurately is necessary to be able to calibrate the fuel delivery in the Microsquirt.

Doing these measurements should be a simple albeit perhaps tedious exercise. I’ll squirt a number of pulses of various lengths into a container and weigh how much fuel is delivered. It’ll be just like a physics lab, complete with plots, except with flammable liquids and noxious fumes! Stay tuned


Microsquirting the NC30, part #19: The other fuel rail

In the last post, the first half of the fuel rail, for cylinders 2 & 4, was made. Now it’s time to complete the other half. This will hold the injectors for cylinders 1 & 3 (the rear ones), plus the fuel pressure regulator.

A rendering of the fuel rail for cylinders 1 & 3, with the fuel pressure regulator on the right.

A rendering of the fuel rail for cylinders 1 & 3, with the fuel pressure regulator on the right.

I fiddled a lot with the fuel pressure regulator to get it to fit. As you can see in the rendering above, I settled on mounting it to the rear, with the fuel return going basically straight down and the manifold pressure port going out to the right. This fits, but forces the fuel return line to go down between the cylinders and then probably come back up between the two rubber boots. There’s just no way the hose can make the >90 degree turn needed to go immediately toward the rear. The manifold pressure line is just a small silicone hose that’s very flexible, so it should be able to handle the quite small radius turn it will need to do to avoid running into the tank.

Unlike the fuel rail on the other side, which only consisted of two pieces welded to the square tubing connecting them, the need to mount the pressure regulator (FPR) further down than the fuel rail itself necessitated making that side of 3 separate pieces: one for the injector mount, one for the FPR mount, and one little piece connecting the two, with holes crossing at 90 degrees for the fuel connection.

I've already welded the injector mounts to the square tubing in the middle here, so now it's time to weld the two pieces on the right.

I’ve already welded the injector mounts to the square tubing in the middle here, so now it’s time to weld the two pieces on the right.

Given my welding skills, I wanted to avoid welding inside corners, because I know from past experience that those rarely come out pretty. For that reason, I made sure to make the “seams” between the pieces on sections that were straight. It also seemed like a lot of mass with those big pieces hanging out on the right side, so I had some fun designing the 90-degree piece to be as light as possible. It’s basically just a skin around the two holes, with a thin layer of material in the center. It looks pretty cool, but the CAM work is certainly not perfect.

Here's the welded piece. Most of the welds came out OK, but one of them was close enough to the corner that I couldn't prevent the arc from occasionally wandering off to the other side.

Here’s the welded piece. Most of the welds came out OK, but the weld on the left in this picture was close enough to the corner that I couldn’t prevent the arc from occasionally wandering off to the other side.

Since welding the other rail, I went through and tightened all the Argon gas connections on the welder, which actually seems to have helped. There seems to be less black junk in the welds now, but it’s certainly not anywhere near perfect yet.

The back side was flatter, which is always easier to weld. These don't look too bad.

The back side was flatter, which is always easier to weld. These don’t look too bad.

The final result, with injectors and fuel pressure regulator mounted.

The final result, with injectors and fuel pressure regulator mounted.

A closeup of the fuel pressure regulator and the injector for cylinder 3. It's tight, but everything should fit.

A closeup of the fuel pressure regulator and the injector for cylinder 3. It’s tight, but everything should fit.

The end result came out pretty nice. Apart from one little interference between the crankcase vent connector on the airbox (the black round thing just above the fuel rail in the rendering above) and the square tubing in the middle, it all fits. When you tighten the screws holding the rail, it’s very solidly held.

I also mounted the AN O-ring ports and made up the short piece of Aeroquip hose that connects the two fuel rails.

This is the short piece of hose that connects the two fuel rails to each other. It fits pretty much exactly like the CAD drawing says it would.

This is the short piece of hose that connects the two fuel rails to each other. It fits pretty much exactly like the CAD drawing says it would. It does touch the screw holding the throttle position sensor, but I don’t think this short piece will vibrate very much.

So that’s pretty much the fuel delivery hardware. It would now be possible to mount all the injectors, hook up the fuel pump, and test that there are no leaks. Before I do that, though, I want to clean the injectors and replace their O-rings and filters, so that’s what’s going to be next.


Microsquirting the NC30, part #18: The fuel rail

The last post described how the injectors mount into the throttle bodies. The next step was was to get fuel to their upper parts. This is commonly done by using a “fuel rail”, in which fuel is pumped past the injectors, to the fuel pressure regulator, and then returns back to the tank. By having fuel constantly circling past the injectors any air in that space is returned to the tank. This makes it easier to prime the system. Another advantage is that fuel doesn’t hang around near the engine, getting heated up and possibly boiling. Boiling fuel is bad, since it means the injectors aren’t fed liquid fuel any more. (The high fuel pressure used in fuel injection systems makes this pretty unlikely compared to a carbureted engine, though.)

This Fusion360 rendering of the throttle bodies shows the design of the fuel rail. There is a  custom-designed part for each injector, containing the mounting hole for the injector as well as an AN-4 O-ring port for the inlets and outlets.

This Fusion360 rendering of the throttle bodies shows the design of the fuel rail. There is a custom-designed part for each injector, containing the mounting hole for the injector as well as an AN-4 O-ring port for the inlets and outlets, as well as the attachment for the brackets holding the rail to the throttle bodies.

Since it is a “V” engine, the front and rear cylinders have their own fuel rails, that must be connected to each other with coupling hoses. As usual, coming up with a design that fit in the available space took a few iterations. The 90-degree hose fittings are long enough that they needed to fit quite near to the injectors to not run into the frame rails, especially on the “outer” cylinders (1 and 4). To make it compact enough, the hole for the injector, the threaded port where the AN fitting attaches, and the mounting holes for the “U”-shaped brackets that hold the fuel rails to the throttle bodies are machined out of a single piece. The two pieces for the front and back cylinders, respectively, are then connected to each other with a short piece of 3/4″ square tubing and welded together. This should (hopefully) make a leak-proof, all-metal part that simultaneously holds the injectors and the AN-4 fuel connections.

These pieces are a bit complicated to make, since they require machining on 3 sides. I started by making a proof-of-concept part to make sure that I could actually machine the injector and AN connections without getting any leaks. The AN connection, more precisely known as a “SAE J1926-1 straight thread O-ring port”, in particular has a “cone” in the opening for the O-ring to fit, which supposedly needs to have quite exact dimensions to get the correct amount of compression of the O-ring. Before I went along and made up the entire thing, I wanted to make sure that part would work.

This is the proof-of-concept fuel rail piece, mounted on the bracket and holding the injector. The opening on the left side was deliberately omitted so the other connections could be checked for leaks.

This is the proof-of-concept fuel rail piece, mounted on the bracket and holding the injector. The opening on the left side was deliberately omitted so the other connections could be checked for leaks.

The first part was actually mis-machined, the X-axis lost steps during the operation so the holes, which were drilled first, were a bit off-center. (I think I was too aggressive when cutting the hole for the injector. When the pilot hole is only slightly larger than the endmill, the cut starts with very small radius circles, and the contact point moves almost twice as fast as the center of the endmill. If you’re already pushing the feed rate, I guess this effect is enough to push it over the edge. For the real parts, I backed off to 50% feed when cutting the hole and had no further problems.)

Even if the holes were a bit misplaced, I could use the part for leak checking. Since I needed to be able to pressurize the part, I left the opening towards the center, where the square tubing would be welded on, closed off. I could then mount the injector, connect the AN-4 connection to an air hose, and see if there were any leaks.

The leak check in action. The injector is held in the hole with some steel wire, and the air hose is connected to the AN-4 elbow screwed into the O-ring port on the left. Pressurizing this to 4 bar and dunking the hole thing in water showed that I had a good seal.

The leak check in action. The injector is held in the hole with some steel wire, and the air hose is connected to the AN-4 elbow screwed into the O-ring port on the left. Pressurizing this to 4 bar and dunking the hole thing in water showed that I had a good seal.

I had to tighten the AN-4 flared connection on the 90-degree elbow a bit tighter than I thought to not have a small air leak, but it’s a steel-to-steel connection and those do need higher seating force to seal than if one of the sides is aluminum. The connections I was worried about, the O-ring where the AN-4 adapter screws into the fuel rail piece and the O-ring on the injector, were perfectly sealed.

While I had the connection pressurized, I tried connecting the injector to 12V to make sure it worked, which it did. I’ll do a real measurement of the flow rate of all four injectors, using gasoline, once everything is mounted. This is needed to calibrate the “dead time”, which is how long the injector needs to be turned on before the flow starts. This quantity is important to get accurate fuel metering for very short pulse widths.

After a few evenings of dedicated mill work, I had three of the four parts of the fuel rail done. (The fourth, for cylinder 3, will mount the fuel pressure regulator and needs some more testing to make sure it will fit.) The side for cylinders 2 and 4, though, was ready for welding.

This was a bit nerve racking, as I haven’t welded much lately and this is a critical weld that must not have any pores, since that will mean a fuel leak. I had a few iffy starts, I have a problem with weld contamination and I don’t know what’s causing it. I get a lot of black deposits around the weld. I’ve double checked the flow rate, which is OK. It’s possible there is a leak in the hose to the torch through which air is sucked in, leading to contamination. It’s also possible the Argon is contaminated; one would hope they would have sufficient quality control but it apparently happens.

In the end, the welds didn’t come out great, there are some that are a bit cold and there’s some contamination, but I’m pretty sure there’s a continuous weld. I can’t pressure test the part until I complete all the connections since it’s now open on both sides, but I’d be surprised if it leaks.

Here it is, the fuel rail for the front cylinders, complete with injectors and AN hose fittings. The left side will be the inlet from the fuel pump and the right side goes to the back cylinders. Things are finally beginning to come together!

Here it is, the fuel rail for the front cylinders, complete with injectors and AN hose fittings. The left side will be the inlet from the fuel pump and the right side goes to the back cylinders. Things are finally beginning to come together! (If you wonder what the marks are in the top right corner, there was an “incident” when milling that part, it came loose in the vise and got a bit chewed up.)

So that’s half the fuel rail done! It’s satisfying to finally see things come together after so much planning and fiddling trying to get things to fit. The first post for this project was in May 2015, and if I had known it would take a year to get things to come together, I’m not sure I would have started it. It’s getting close now, though.


Microsquirting the NC30, part #17: Mounting the injectors

The throttle bodies I’m using originally used a different brand of injectors than the Bosch EV6 ones I’m going to use. Most injectors need a 14mm diameter hole, so that was not a problem, but the hole was too shallow to allow the EV6 injectors to seat fully. Thus, minor surgery on the throttle bodies was necessary.

Needless to say, I was a bit apprehensive about taking an endmill to the throttle bodies. If something went wrong here, I’d likely not be able to get the injectors to seal properly and the throttle bodies might need to be scrapped. If there ever was a time to double and triple-check everything, this was it.

The actual operation is pretty simple, I just needed to make the 14mm hole deeper, but the problem was how to mount the throttle bodies so they were held securely and squarely in the vise. After some pondering I decided the only way to make sure they were held with the injector axis vertical was to make a plate that was held against the injector mounting face with the two screws that held the old injectors. I needed to make a few cutouts in the plate to clear various parts of the throttle bodies, but it worked well.

Here's one of the throttle bodies mounted in the fixture, which is screwed into the holes where the old injectors were mounted.

Here’s one of the throttle bodies attached to the fixture, which is screwed into the holes where the old injectors were mounted. The fixture was then screwed horizontally into the vise.

With the injectors securely mounted, the most important thing was now to center up the mill in the existing hole to as high accuracy as possible. Using the edge finder, you can find the two edges of the hole in each dimension and square up that way.

Any backlash in the mill directly affects the accuracy of the center finding here, since you are going in different directions for the two edges. My backlash is about 0.02mm, which should be well below what’s required for this job.

With the center found, it was just a matter of starting the program and hoping for the best.

There's no going back now! The clearing of the injector mounting hole is under way.

There’s no going back now! The clearing of the injector mounting hole is under way.

Luckily it worked perfectly. The injectors now fit to the depth specified in the Bosch injector data sheet.

The hole is now deep enough that the injectors can be inserted and are held in by their O-rings, as they should.

The hole is now deep enough that the injectors can be inserted and are held in by their O-rings, as they should.

Of course, it remains to be seen if the connection is air tight. Any leaks here will show up as vacuum leaks when the engine is idling. The pressure differential is less than at the seal at the top of the injectors, which must seal against the 3 bar fuel pressure, but it’s still possible to have a leak. There’s no way to tell whether it’s tight until the engine is running, but I’m fairly certain that it won’t be a problem, since it’s just an O-ring mounted in a cylindrical hole. As long as the hole is the right diameter and has a smooth surface, which they do, it should be fine.

The next step is now to manufacture the fuel rail which will hold the top of the injectors. More on that later.




Microsquirting the NC30, part #16: Mounting the throttle bodies

In the last post, I described the machining of the throttle body adapters. Once those were done, it was time to move along to make some brackets to hold the throttle bodies in position. Since it is a V-4 engine, the two rows of throttle bodies are at an angle to each other. They are nominally held in place by the adapters I discussed in the last post, but since those are circular, they don’t constrain the rotation of the throttle bodies around the intake axis. Those couplings are also slightly flexible, so it would be good to mount them more rigidly to each other.

The GpZ1100 throttle bodies have screw holes for mounting rails along the top and bottom edges. The bottom holes of the ones on the opposite sides of the “V” end up quite close to each other, so I designed a single mounting bracket that would hold all four at the correct angle. The top holes of each row can then be bolted to another bracket, providing further rigidity. Here’s a Fusion360 rendering of the entire assembly:

A rendering of the bottom side of the throttle body assembly, showing the three brackets that hold the throttle bodies in position.

A rendering of the bottom side of the throttle body assembly, showing the three aluminum brackets that hold the throttle bodies in position.

The design of the angled bottom bracket was a perfect example of Fusion360’s “top-to-bottom” design style. I had already modeled the throttle bodies and how they attached to the airbox, so now I could design a bracket that mounted to the bottom screw holes. By mirroring this part across the centerline of the “V”, I then ended up with a part that had the correct angle and spacing to hold the throttle bodies in the right position.

Since this part isn’t flat, it couldn’t be milled in one piece (it could be done with a 4-axis machine… that would be nice…) but since it was modeled as a mirrored design, I could machine each half separately and they would then have the correct shape to be welded together.

Initially I had designed it as just a block of aluminum, but I figured I should leverage the power of Fusion360 and get rid of unnecessary material. The final bracket, as can be seen above, has much less material. Time to manufacture. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.


Since the bracket was to be machined on all edges, figuring out how to hold it took some thinking. The first step was to machine the areas where the throttle bodies would mount. This could be done with the part mounted in the vise.

Since the bracket was to be machined on all edges, figuring out how to hold it took some thinking. The first step was to machine the areas where the throttle bodies would mount. This could be done with the part mounted in the vise.

This is a test fit of the bracket to make sure the mounting holes lines up correctly.

This is a test fit of the bracket to make sure the mounting holes lines up correctly.

Once the flat areas where the throttle bodies had been machined, I could clamp the piece to the mill table using these areas. To avoid milling into the table, I placed 0.75mm shims under the piece where it's clamped down. I wasn't sure this would be sturdy enough, but it worked fin.

Once the flat areas where the throttle bodies had been machined, I could clamp the piece to the mill table using these areas and machine the rest. To avoid cutting into the table, I placed 0.75mm shims under the piece at the two points where it’s clamped down. I wasn’t sure this would be sturdy enough, but it worked fine.

After machining the two halves, they were test fit again before welding them together. They fit almost perfectly . There is a small gap between the parts, but this is well within the flexibility of the couplings that hold them to the airbox.

After machining the two halves, they were test fit again before welding them together. They fit almost perfectly . There is a small gap between the parts, but this is well within the flexibility of the couplings that hold them to the airbox.

It's been a while since I did aluminum welding, so I had to practice a bit before I dared to start melting the parts I'd just spent hours making. The welds didn't exactly turn out spectacular, but I got the parts together with very little warping.

It’s been a while since I did aluminum welding, so I had to practice a bit before I dared to start melting the parts I’d just spent hours making. The welds didn’t exactly turn out spectacular, but I got the parts together with very little warping.

Here's the final result, the welded-together bracket as well as the smaller ones that attach to the top sides of the throttle bodies. Everything fit beautifully.

Here’s the final result, the welded-together bracket as well as the smaller ones that attach to the top sides of the throttle bodies. Everything fit beautifully. Compare this picture to the rendering at the beginning of the page. This CAD stuff actually works!

So this was a complete success, the throttle bodies are now held in the correct positions. The next steps are a bit more iffy: The holes where the fuel injectors mount in the throttle bodies aren’t the right depth for the Bosch EV6 injectors I’m going to use. This means I’ll have to actually machine into the throttle bodies themselves, which will be … exciting…

The intake ends also don’t fit into the intake rubbers on the engine, the OD of the throttle bodies, 40mm, is too large compared with the stock carburetors 36mm.  I was going to cut down the diameter of the throttle bodies, but there will be uncomfortably little material left if I go that route. It probably makes more sense to try to enlarge the holes in the rubber boots, although I’m not sure how to best do that. But that will be the topic of a later post.


Microsquirting the NC30, part #15: Production

It’s been a while since the last post on the NC30 EFI conversion. I was concentrating on getting the CNC mill up and running so I could make some parts.

As you may recall, I had designed a bunch of little pieces for holding the throttle bodies and attaching them to the airbox that would need to be fabricated. As I’ve gotten more proficient in using Fusion360, I’ve reworked the design a bit, and now with the mill up and running it was finally time to start producing some hardware.

I started with the adapters that would attach the throttle bodies to the airbox. If you look back at the previous post, you’ll get an idea of what we’re talking about. This part is attached to the airbox with two M6 screws, surrounded by guide pins that locate the part precisely.

To get the pins to fit snugly into these holes I did some trial runs to determine exactly how much extra material I would need to remove, which comes down to plus or minus 0.01mm, depending exactly on the diameter of the end mill. At these scales, the backlash in the ballscrews also matter, so the holes aren’t exactly circular. I made a big array of holes with gradually increasing clearance and eventually found a good value.

The next tricky thing was to figure out how to hold the piece. Because of its shape, you can’t hold it in a vise. However, it has those guide pins, so I ended up with a procedure where I cut the bottom surface, including the holes for the guide pins. I then tapped the threads and screwed the half-finished piece into a fixture that I had designed previously. Because the guide pins located the part precisely in relation to this fixture, I could then set the zeropoint for the machine in relation to the fixture and machine the top side.

A Fusion360 rendering of the throttle body adapter mounted on the fixture. The cut-out corner on the fixture defines the XY origin.

A Fusion360 rendering of the throttle body adapter mounted on the fixture. The cut-out corner on the fixture defines the XY origin.

I made a short movie of one being machined:

Starting from a large block of 6061, there was a lot of material to get rid of, so making these took a while. I also fine-tuned the design after making the first one and trying it out.

One thing I initially neglected to add was a “ridge” on the edge facing the throttle body. The adapter attaches to the trottle body with a short length of silicone hose fastened with a hose clamp, and I realized this is a lot more secure if there are some ridges the hose can bite into. Because of the way the part is milled, this requires undercutting, so I had to get a “slot cutter”, essentially a short, fairly large-diameter endmill with a narrower shaft. To chamfer these edges, I also needed a double-angle chamfer mill which works similarly except it’s angled 45-degrees on top and bottom.

Here's one of the finished throttle body adapters, still mounted on the fixture. Looks just like the rendering above!

Here’s one of the finished throttle body adapters, still mounted on the fixture. Looks just like the rendering above!

In the end, it worked out great. The silicone hose and the throttle bodies fit perfectly on them. The next part to make was the bracket that holds all the throttle bodies in place together, but that will be the next post.


NC23 Carb rebuild

It’s been a while since the NC23 figured in the list of projects. It hasn’t been ridden much over the past half a year, because it would leak gas from somewhere around the carburetors, and I was busy with the NC30 project. However, finally the state of Hawaii ensured the NC23 got some love, since it was time to get its annual safety inspection.

After removing the fairings and the airbox, it appeared the gas was coming from the pilot screw on the #1 carb (although it was hard to tell since they were so dirty…) Upon removal, the tiny O-ring that seals the pilot screw was found to be in sad shape. The O-rings for the float bowls were also hard and crusted with varnish. Since I had them out of the bike anyway, I figured it was time for a carb overhaul.

There are still O-ring kits for these carbs available from Honda. One set (16010-MN4-305, $20 each) has the internal O-rings, and another set (16040-MM5-601, $11 each) has the O-rings for the pipes that connects the fuel supply and vent lines between the carbs. According to the parts list, you need 4 of the former and 6 of the latter, making this a $140 project from O-rings alone…

Unfortunately I didn’t discover that there was a second set until I got the first one, so that meant waiting another week-ish for the second. Then I discovered that the second kit doesn’t actually contain all the O-rings the parts manual says it should, so I still didn’t have all the parts needed. Quite frustrating, to say the least.

At this point I found a company called LiteTek in Thailand that seems to specialize in manufacturing O-rings for motorcycles. They had a kit for the NC23, comprising both the Honda kits and the missing O-rings and new rubber caps for the choke plungers which Honda doesn’t have at all. Their O-rings are also made from Viton, rather than butyl rubber like the factory ones, and Viton stands up to fuel with ethanol in it much better than butyl rubber. On top of that, their kit was $37, including shipping. What a no-brainer!

While waiting for the parts, I had been cleaning everything out. I remember from cleaning the NC30 carbs how hard it was to get all the varnish off, so this time I looked a bit harder for a solution. Quite a few people on the web reported much luck with Berryman’s Chem-Dip, and luckily the local auto parts store had a can of it. (Chemicals like these cleaners aren’t something Amazon wants to ship over here, so your best bet is to find something locally.)

This stuff is amazing! After stripping off all the parts I could, I soaked the carbs in the cleaner for an hour or so. Check this out:

This is a before-and-after image of how the carbs came out after spending an hour in the Chem-Dip can. Amazing!

This is a before-and-after image of how the carbs came out after spending an hour in the Chem-Dip can. Amazing!

Similarly, the various jets and needles that were crusted with stuff came out looking if not quite like new, much, much better than before.

Here are the needle jets and the pilot screws before and after cleaning.

Here are the needle jets and the pilot screws before and after cleaning.

Once I got the set of Thai O-rings (they arrived faster than many mainland USPS shipments) it was assembly time. The O-rings looked good. I had already broken the packaging on the set of internal O-rings, but I took those out and replaced them with the Viton ones in the interest of longevity.

A selected set of carb O-rings. The green ones are the Viton seals from LiteTek, the black are the factory ones. (There should be no question which one is the old one.)

A selected set of carb O-rings. The green ones are the Viton seals from LiteTek, the black are the factory ones. (There should be no question which ones are the old ones.)

Compared to the long wait for parts and all the cleaning, the actual assembly just took an afternoon.

The assembled set of cleaned and overhauled carbs.

The assembled set of cleaned and overhauled carbs.

Here I ran into the first setback: when I hooked them up to the fuel supply, they leaked! There was gas seeping from the float bowls on all 4 of them. Clearly the Thai O-rings had some issues. Just to make sure it was the O-rings, I replaced one of them with the factory one. This did not leak.

After contacting LiteTek, they investigated and admitted that there was a manufacturing defect with the float bowl O-rings for these carbs. They refunded me and promised to send me a new set. It was nice that they owned up to the problem so quickly. However, I didn’t want to wait an unspecified time for them to manufacture a new batch, so I decided to go ahead and use the factory O-rings for the float bowls since I couldn’t return those anyway. I filled the carbs with gas and left them overnight just to be sure. No leaks.

Once I re-mounted the carbs, added fresh grease to the throttle and choke cables, and cursed the appropriate number of times about getting the carbs back on the rubber mounts and hooking up all the hoses, it basically started right up. Once I checked that it was running OK, I headed for the now-overdue safety inspection. Mission accomplished!

Now the only question is how I’m going to get the NC30 inspected…


Water cooling the new graphics card

My computer’s graphics card (an ATI 5870 from 2010) finally died, the monitors started going black after a few minutes of use. Time to get a new one, I guess. The only hitch is that my computer is water cooled (there’s a page describing this project on my old, now-defunct online photo album) so a new card meant that the water blocks potentially wouldn’t fit. But: I have a CNC mill, there are no obstacles that can’t be overcome.

When the new card arrived, I quickly determined that while the main GPU water block would work fine. The one cooling the voltage regulators, though, would not fit. That’s not a big problem, though, I would just have to mill out an aluminum adapter of suitable shape that it would touch the voltage regulators and be screwed into the holes on the PCB. The water block that has coolant running through it would then be bolted to this adapter.

The vertical row of small ICs are the voltage regulators. The large shunt resistors to the right of them were also cooled by the factory fan.

The vertical row of small ICs are the voltage regulators. The large shunt resistors to the right of them were also cooled by the factory fan.

I took some measurements and designed an aluminum piece that would bolt to the two holes in-line with the VRMs and to the extra hole on the left to get more stability. Some silicone thermal pads would provide the required cushioning to get good contact to both the VRM chips and the shunt resistors.

Here's the bottom side of the water block. The highest part is where the VRMs are. The two large screw holes are for bolting the actual water block that provides the cooling.

Here’s the bottom side of the water block after milling. The highest part is where the VRMs are. The two large screw holes are for bolting the actual water block, that provides the cooling, to the other side of this piece.

This was the first “production” milling project, and it went fairly well. I did experience some chatter on the full-length cuts around the perimeter. I’ll write a separate post about hunting this down. The only other issue was that I made the counterbores for the two hex head screws for the water block too small. It turns out that screws heads, at least the ones you buy at Home Depot, are noticeably off-center from the screw axis. I had measured the heads to get them to fit, but I had to add about half a millimeter of clearance before they would actually turn.

The adapter in place for test fitting. It was a bit tight, but works fine. This is a test fit, because the water block has to be screwed in from the bottom before mounting the whole thing to the PCB.

The adapter in place for test fitting. It was a bit tight, but works fine. This is a test fit, because the water block has to be screwed in from the bottom before mounting the whole thing to the PCB. The uneven edges on the top are from manually deburring the edge resulting from not milling far enough down. I have since come to appreciate the awesomeness of chamfer mills!

This little project was a success! I can’t measure the VRM temperatures, but the aluminum block certainly gets warm when the graphics card gets busy, so there is heat flowing into it. These analog components tolerate quite high temperatures, so the actual temperature isn’t much of an issue as long as there’s something conducting the heat away.