Things have been dead here for quite a while, but in real life we’ve made a lot of progress on the house. The process here has been described ad nauseam in the previous posts, so these updates will be pretty brief.
While Kathy and Axel went to visit the grandparents in July of 2021, I stripped and painted the hallway.

The doorways were sealed off with plastic and the doors to the rooms taped shut so lead dust wouldn’t get everywhere.

This is the GrooveSander, a specialized tool for cleaning up the grooves in the planking. I affixed some sand paper to a foot-long length of square tubing with spray adhesive. The grooves often get a bit damaged from the scraper, this tool works great for getting into the corner and cleaning up the grooves.

All repainted, the color is “Saffron” and the ceiling is the same white as everywhere else. Looks good!
Feeling confident about being able to make progress (amazing how much difference working half-time makes!) we decided to tackle the kitchen. That’s the next post.
Bra gjort! 👏👍