I cranked in another full day on the throttle linkage, and today went a bit more smoothly than yesterday. It turned out to be pretty painless to mirror flip the tabs holding the springs. Those were one of the first things sketched out in the design and often when you change things that far upstream you get tons of lost references in Fusion. This wasn’t too bad, though.
The CAM also had to be tweaked, of course, but by late morning the mill was back up. All 6 operations on the cylinder 1 part went smoothly.
With the cylinder 1 part done, I continued with the front-back link. This is a pretty simple part, because it’s prismatic it can be made in two simple ops.

This is the front-to-back link getting is final chamfer. It was a bit tricky to hold. There is a short straight section in the middle that could be clamped.
The ends are reamed 4.02mm so it’ll spin freely on the 4mm dowel pins.

A test fit of the front-back link. The 8mm dowel pin that will hold the linkage for the cylinder 1-3 throttles in line (on the left) is still missing, but it looks like it’s going to work.
Only the cylinder 3 part remains now.
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