Drainage improvements #8 – Seeing the end

Today, the final stretch of pipe was covered with gravel and separator fabric!

Here's the cleanout at the uppermost end of the pipe poking out of the gravel.

Here’s the cleanout at the uppermost end of the pipe poking out of the gravel.

A few days ago it looked like this, when the pipe had been glued together but not yet covered with gravel:

A few days earlier; the final length of pipe glued together and laid down.

A few days earlier; the final length of pipe glued together and laid down.

The rest of the house now looks like this:

Here's the west end of the house, with pipe completely covered.

Here’s the west end of the house, with pipe completely covered.

Once the pipe is solidly covered with gravel, I’m going to test the grade by pouring a bit of water into the upper cleanout and make sure it goes all the way. The upper lengths have some parts where the slope is a bit minimal, so it would be good to test it and also to wash out any dirt that’s ended up inside the pipe.

“All” that remains then is mindless shoveling of gravel. The whole trench should get filled up by at least a foot more with the drain rock, and then the original gravel on top. I’m under a bit of pressure to get this done at least for the final length of the pipe, because our electrical meter is on the wall above and we’re having it replaced so we can install solar panels! More on that in a later post.


    • The white pipes poking up out of the ground are for cleaning out the drainage pipe of it gets clogged. (Unless you mean the rusty cast iron pipe, which is the drain from the kitchen sink.)

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